What a week it has been. I have been working and working and working this week to get my classroom ready. We have a vacation planned to visit family back in PA so I am losing a week of classroom prep time. YIKES! I think I am almost ready (crosses fingers) but it does seem like every time I walk in there is something else to move. At least I no longer feel like I am just moving stuff around.
As for my new look, I am learning how to personalize my blog. My next thing is to learn how to post pictures. I hope to post my classroom pics this weekend. It would be awesome to come back from vacation to a classroom ready to go.
I have only had my blog for exactly two weeks! Let me know if you'd like a bit of help... I know how to add pictures. :)
Grade 4 Buzz
Thanks for the offer for help. I figured out how to add pictures. The one that has me stumped is grabbing the linky party button and making that button link back to the host