Sunday, July 7, 2013

New to Bloggin

Wow! What a summer it has been so far.  My old school (a small charter) had to close down due to funding issues.  We were all very sad.  Needless to say, I dusted off the resume and started the job hunt.  I was very excited to accept the 4th grade position at another very small school (this one is a district school).  At my old school I taught 1st/2nd combo class for 2 years and a 1/2/3 class for 2 years.  All my material was of course geared toward those grades.  So my research began for 4th grade resources and I have discovered the world of bloggin.  Now I knew what a blog was before, I just never really paid that much attention to them.  I am overwhelmed but in awe of all the info and sharing going on.  (I am a career changer and "back when" I was in school there was no internet.  I don't know how my teachers did it).  So here I am jumping on the band wagon.  This will be a work in progress as I figure things out and please just remember I am new to this :)


  1. I hope you love grade 4! It is one of my favourite grades to teach!
    Grade 4 Buzz

  2. Hi Donna,
    I am a fellow 4th grade teacher and I really like your blog! I have nominated you for a Liebster Award. Head over to my blog for the details.
